The University of Olivet Campus Safety: A Commitment to 24/7 Protection and Community Partnership

At the University of Olivet, the safety and security of our campus community is a top priority. To this end, we maintain a dedicated, non-deputized Campus Safety Department, vigilant around the clock, every day of the year. Our team of Campus Safety Officers is committed to ensuring a secure and welcoming environment for students, faculty, and visitors alike.

These officers are more than just security personnel; they are integral members of the campus community. Working in close collaboration with Hall Directors, they play a pivotal role in safeguarding both people and property across the University. Their responsibilities extend beyond traditional security measures, encompassing a range of basic safety services tailored to the needs of our diverse community.

The effectiveness of our Campus Safety Department hinges on a robust partnership with the University's diverse body of students, faculty, and staff. This collaborative approach is crucial for fostering a safe, inclusive, and protected environment for all. At the University of Olivet, we believe that campus safety is a shared responsibility, and we are committed to nurturing this partnership to ensure the well-being of our University community.

Brad Baker
Assistant Director of Campus Safety
(517) 231-4198

Contact Information

Campus Safety: (517) 231-6804
Located: Cutler Student Center
Open 24/7 365 Days a Year 
Assistant Director Brad Baker: (269) 749 - 7173
Anonymous Tip Line: (269) 749 - 7676
Anonymous Reporting:
On the left side of the page under MyOlivet Portal click on Anonymous Incident Reporting
Fill out the report form, once complete go to the bottom of the page and click on submit.  
Services Offered:
Complaint/Incident Reporting
Medical Emergency/Personal Injury Assistance
Safety Escort Service
Parking Permits Issued Here

Complaint/Incident Reporting

Incident Reporting: The University of Olivet encourages prompt reporting of criminal behavior and other safety concerns to Campus Safety, Hall Directors, Vice President of Student Life and/or the appropriate police agencies. The college will provide statistics of reported crimes as required and defined by the Campus Security Act. These statistics are in compliance with federal legislation. To obtain a copy of the University of Olivet Crime Statistics, contact the Campus Safety Department.

Anonymous Incident Report: Anyone can file an anonymous report at any time. You call 269-749-7676 and leave a message or go to myOlivet homepage . Then on the left side of the screen under MyOlivet Portal select Anonymous Incident Reporting, fill out the report and once completed click submit at the bottom of the report.

Self-Protection Statement

The city of Olivet and the University campus are safe places, but crimes can happen any place and at any time. The existence of security measures taken by the university and the Campus Safety Department does not relieve individuals of their responsibility for self-protection. Members of the college community must assume responsibility for their own personal safety as well as the security of their personal belongings.
 This can be enhanced by using common sense practices such as:
  • Do not prop open doors to residence halls.
  • Lock residence doors every time a student leaves their room.
  • Lock doors before going to sleep.
  • Lock windows that are accessible from the outside.
  • Keep small items of value out of site (purses, wallets, jewelry, money, etc.)
  • Record serial numbers of valuable property (video games, digital cameras, computers, etc.)
  • Never loan keys or your I.D. card to anyone.
  • Do not walk alone at night; walk with a friend, or utilize the Campus Safety escorts.
  • Lock car doors and keep the windows rolled up; lock valuables in the trunk.
  • Notify Campus Safety of suspicious-looking individuals.
  • Remain alert to your surroundings.
  • Report any annoying or harassing phone calls to Campus Safety or Hall Director.

Vehicle Registration


  • All vehicles must be registered with Campus Safety at the beginning of every academic year. Students enrolling for the second semester must register their vehicle at that time.
  • Beginning in the Fall 2024 semester, there will be a $150 annual fee permit fee.
  • To register a vehicle, you must present the license plate number, make, model, year, and color of the vehicle. A University of Olivet parking permit is then issued and the permit must be displayed on the windshield, lower passenger side corner. The link to the Registration form is under Important Forms.
  • The registration deadline will be the same date as the last day to drop/add a class period. Failure to register a vehicle will result in a $200.00 fine.
  • Permits are valid for one academic year. (Example: Fall 2024 - Spring 2025)
  • Permits are non-transferable.
  • If you change vehicles due to mechanical issues, new vehicle purchase, etc. you must submit for receive a new parking pass.
  • Having your vehicle registered does not guarantee or reserve you a specific parking spot on campus.

Apply for a parking permit - Click here

If the link does not work they can still go to Myolivet and follow these instructions.

Directions for receiving a parking pass!

1.      Log into myolivet!

2.      Click on the Development tab at the top of the screen.

3.      Click on the Campus Safety folder along the left side of the screen.

4.      Click on the Campus Safety Forms tab on the left side of the screen.

5.      Click on Campus Safety- Student Parking Permit.

6.      Fill out all required information and hit submit.

7.      Go to the student bookstore and pay your Parking Pass fee, you will be a receipt.

8.      Take your receipt to the Campus Safety desk in the new Student Center to obtain your Parking Pass.


Additional Parking Information

  • Parking Regulations
  • You must pay for your parking pass at the University Spirit store in the Student Center.
  • All vehicles must be registered through Campus Safety in the Student Center.
  • All vehicles parked in college lots must display a current University of Olivet Parking Permit or visitor's parking permit, or they will be ticketed.
  • Vehicles not in drivable condition will be considered abandoned and towed at the owner's expense.
  • All vehicles on college property must display a current license plate. Failure to display a current license will result in the vehicle being towed at the owner's expense.
  • Illegally parked vehicles obstructing traffic in the college parking lots will be towed without warning and at the owner's expense.
  • Campus Safety has the right to ticket, or tow any vehicle that violates The University of Olivet parking policy.
  • Vehicles without parking permits will be ticketed twice and towed the third time found on campus property.
  • University of Olivet is not responsible for damaged or stolen vehicles.
  • Fines
  • All fines are billed through the Student Services Office and need to be paid there. Their office is located in Mott 205.
  • Once a ticket is placed on a student's vehicle, he/she has 10 days to appeal the ticket to the Assistant Director of Campus Safety Brad Baker, whose office is located in the Student Center. After that time the ticket becomes final and will be charged to the student's account. (Tickets will only be waived for extreme extenuating circumstances, ignorance of parking regulations will not allow a ticket to be waived.)
  • Two types of parking tickets are issued: The first is a general parking ticket, issued to students parking in the wrong lot or not in a designated parking spot. The second is a special parking ticket issued to students parking in a posted parking space, i.e., athletic, handicapped.
  • List of Fines
  • Parking Permit: $150
  • Second Parking Permit: $150
  • General Parking Ticket: $15.00
  • Greek Parking Violation: $30.00
  • Special Parking Ticket: $75.00
  • Unregistered Vehicle: $200.00
  • Visitor Parking Permits
  • Visitor parking permits are available to all enrolled students and may be obtained, at NO CHARGE, through the Campus Safety office 24/7. If we are not in the office call (517) 231-6804 and we will be glad to meet you at the Student Center to issue you a visitor's parking permit. Visitor permits are valid for three consecutive days from the date they are issued.
  • Handicap Parking
  • Handicap parking is available in the parking lots throughout campus. Enrolled student's vehicles utilizing these space must display a state issued handicap permit/Tag and The University of Olivet parking permit. Illegally parked vehicles in these spaces will be given a ticket by Campus Safety or Olivet City Police Department.
  • City of Olivet Parking Ordinance
  • No cars may be parked overnight on the city streets between November 1st through April 1st from 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Cars illegally parked on the streets are subject to ticketing, wheel locking, or towing by the Olivet City Police Department. All OPD issued tickets must be paid at City Hall, located on Main Street downtown at 117 S Main St, Olivet, MI 49076.
  • Parking Lots Status
  • Mott North Parking Lot - NO OVERNIGHT PARKING - This lot is restricted to staff and faculty parking only.
  • Church/Library/Art Building Parking Lot - This lot can be used by anybody with a College Parking Permit, overnight parking allowed in this lot. DO NOT PARK IN CHURCH ONLY SPACES.
  • Kirk Center Lot - This lot can be used by anybody with a College Parking Permit behind the Kirk Center. DO NOT PARK IN ADMISSIONS SPACES.
  • Conservatory Lot - This lot can be used by anybody with a College Parking Permit. DO NOT PARK IN GREEK ONLY SPACES.
  • Lot North of Gillette - This lot can be used by anybody with a College Parking Permit. Overnight parking allowed.
  • Gillette Parking Lot - Upperclassmen Only Parking.
  • Blair Parking Lot - Upperclassmen Only Parking. DO NOT PARK IN  DESIGNATED SPACES.
  • Shipherd Parking Lot - Upperclassmen Only Parking. DO NOT PARK IN DESIGNATED SPACES OR IN FIRE LANE.
  • Adelphic Parking Lot - This lot can be used by anybody with a College Parking Permit. DO NOT PARK IN ADELPHIC ONLY SPACES OR OFF PAVEMENT IN BACK OF LOT.
  • If you have any questions regarding parking or where to park please contact Campus Safety (517) 231 - 6804.

Sexual Assault/Title IX

Information below on Sexual Assault can be found in The University of Olivet Student Handbook 2023-24 on pages 43 - 57.
Sexual Assault
I. Overview
   The University of Olivet recognizes that sexual assault is a crime that undermines self-esteem and individual growth. Further, the University accepts responsibility for combating sexual assault in all ways appropriate to an institution of higher education. The college has and will continue to educate the campus community about sexual assault and cultivate an environment discouraging the attitudes and behaviors that may lead to sexual assault.
II. Prevention: Protect Yourself
      A. Communication is Key It can be difficult to discuss sexual expectations with someone— especially when it is early on in a relationship.             However, everyone must take responsibility to prevent sexual misconduct. These suggestions may help you avoid potentially damaging             situations:
             Get to know your partner, discuss sexual expectations before you find yourself in an intimate situation.
             Clearly communicate your desires and limits.
             Be responsible for your use of alcohol and other drugs and realize that alcohol and other drugs lower your sexual inhibitions and may                   make you vulnerable to someone who might seek to take advantage of an intoxicated person.
             Be assertive. Tell a sexual aggressor “NO” clearly and loudly.
             Pay attention to the nonverbal actions of you and your partner.
             Accept the decision made by your partner.
             Understand and accept that you are responsible for your behavior and choices.
   B. Be Aware – Be Assertive – Trust Your Instincts
             Most sexual assaults involve individuals who are acquainted with each other and alcohol or drugs.
             Set your sexual limits. Decide what your limits are and how far you want to go.
             If you choose to drink, do so responsibly, and always have a trusted DSP (Designated Sober Person) with you. Discuss your boundaries                and plans for the night in advance and stick with them.
             Don’t leave the party with, or accept a ride from, a person you’ve just met. Trust your instincts. If someone or something doesn’t feel                   right there is probably a reason.
   C. Responsibilities for Initiators of Sexual Activity If you find yourself in the position of being the initiator of sexual activity, you owe sexual          respect to your potential partner; these suggestions may help you do this:
             Clearly communicate your intentions to your sexual partner and give him or her a chance to clearly relate his or her intentions to you.
             Mixed messages from your partner should be an indication that better communication is necessary before activities progress. You need to                   respect the timeline with which your partner is comfortable.
             Do not take advantage of someone’s intoxicated state, regardless of how they became intoxicated.
             Understand that consent to some forms of sexual activity does not necessarily imply consent to other forms of sexual activity.
             Silence and passivity cannot be interpreted as indications of consent. Read your potential partner carefully, paying attention to verbal and                   nonverbal communication.
Note: Sex with an intoxicated person can be legally interpreted as sexual assault in the State of Michigan (see “Consent” below).
III. How to Help a Friend Who Has Been Sexually Assaulted  
       Listen.
       Reinforce that the assault was not her/his fault.
       Validate her/his experience.
       Be supportive and try to remain calm.
       Allow the survivor to offer or not offer details of the assault. Don’t pry.
       Understand that she/he might not want to be touched.
       Don’t gossip. Keep all information confidential.
IV. Definition of Terms  
Sexual Misconduct Sexual Misconduct is any sexual act that takes place without effective consent. Consent is not effective in cases where age, intoxication, mental status, incapacitation, etc. prevent a person from knowing the fact, nature, and extent of the sexual situation, or where a person has been compelled through coercion, threats, intimidation, fraud, or force. (For more information, see “Consent” below.) Sexual Misconduct includes but is not limited to the following: Rape is any sexual penetration (anal, oral or vaginal), however slight, with any object, by any person, without consent. Sexual assault is any sexual touching, however slight, with any object or by any person, without consent. Sexual harassment is defined in the “Sexual Harassment” section of this document. Sexual harassment is a Title IX offence.
 Consent is an informed, knowing, and voluntary mutually understandable willingness to do the same thing, at the same time, at the same place, in the same way, with one another.  Consent is a process, which must be asked for every step of the way; if you want to move to the next level of sexual intimacy, just ask.  Consent is never implied and cannot be assumed, even in the context of a relationship. Just because you are in a relationship does not mean that you have permission to have sex with your partner.  The fact that you were intoxicated is not a legal defense to rape. “But I was drunk,” is not a legitimate excuse. A person who is intoxicated cannot legally give consent. If you’re too drunk to make decisions and communicate with your partner, you’re too drunk to consent.  The absence of a “no” doesn’t mean “yes.” Submission due to coercion or intimidation is not real consent.  If a person resists to the point where additional resistance would be futile or until his/her resistance is forcibly overcome, submission thereafter is not consent.  There must be a choice between engaging or not engaging in sexual activity.  It is the responsibility of the initiator of the sexual activity, or the person who wants to engage in the specific sexual activity, to make sure that he or she has consent from his/her partner(s).  Communication, respect, and honesty make sex and relationships better.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

Alcohol Policy

The following policy is designed to foster an atmosphere of individual and community responsibility as outlined in the college academic vision of Education for Individual and Social Responsibility and encompass The University of Olivet Compact.

In addition, the policy is designed to:

1. Adhere to all federal, state and local laws regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

2. Stress moderation, safety and individual accountability for those who choose to drink lawfully.

3. Provide information and education.

4. Work toward a University atmosphere that is free of pressure for those who choose not to drink.

5. Prevent alcohol abuse and its effects.

All members of the University community are expected to comply with college policy, and city, county, state and federal laws regarding the unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol. Consistent with the principles in The University of Olivet Compact, it is the responsibility of each student and employee to report infractions of the Universities alcohol policy to Campus Safety officers.


Intoxication is prohibited on campus. Intoxication includes but is not limited to: slurred speech, unsteady gate, excessive noise, odor of alcohol, disrespect of authority, slow verbal response, etc.

The first step toward prevention of alcohol abuse is education. Alcohol awareness programs such as AlcoholEdu will be promoted through the curriculum and co-curriculum. Clubs, organizations, societies and athletic teams will be asked to make their members knowledgeable about the alcohol policy, including the sanctions.



Supplying Alcohol to Minors

Anyone found responsible by a judicial board for supplying alcohol to minors will be turned over to the local police department, along with all testimony and information in regards to the case.


Furnishing And/or Consuming Alcohol

Students and guests of students who are of legal drinking age and desire to consume alcohol on college premises should abide by The University of Olivet Compact.

1. Consumption of alcohol in the presence of a person below the legal drinking age is not permissible in the residence halls, theme houses and the Gillette Student Village.

There may only be one open and unfinished container (single serving) per person of legal drinking age in the room. A single serving is defined as one shot (one ounce) or one beer

(12 ounces) or one glass of wine (4 ounces) or one mixed drink (6 ounces = one ounce alcohol, 5 ounces of mixer and ice).

2. No more than one case of beer (up to 12 cans) or 1 pint of liquor or one bottle (750 ml) of wine or three 40-ounce containers of beer are to be in a room at any time.

3. Students of legal drinking age may consume alcohol in their residence hall room, with the door closed, as long as they are also in compliance with the visitation policy.

4. Students under 21 years of age found with alcohol on their breath or other signs of alcohol in their system will be considered in violation of the Universities alcohol policy.

5. Consumption of alcohol in common areas of the college premises, including the

Gillette Student Village is not permissible, except on the premises of society houses or theme houses, and in designated areas during a registered social function.

6. Possession of common sources of alcohol or consumption of alcohol from common sources such as kegs, trash cans, etc., is not permissible.

7. University funds cannot be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.

8. Devices for rapid consumption (e.g. funnels, beer bongs) and all other alcohol-related paraphernalia are prohibited.

9. Persons serving or providing alcohol to minors are in violation of the Universities alcohol policy.

10. No alcoholic beverages are permitted in the all-freshmen living areas or substance-free living areas.

11. The University of Olivet's employees may not purchase for or distribute alcohol to any student on University premises or at University related events.

12. Alcohol may be served at specifically designated events hosted or approved by the Offices of the President or Institutional Advancement. The University's students and employees may be invited to attend these events, but only those of legal drinking age may consume alcohol at these events.

13. Full-time Residence Life staff are not allowed to consume alcohol with students.

14. Resident assistants are not allowed to consume alcohol while on duty.

15. Any drinking game is prohibited.



First Offense

Minimum fine of $150 to be paid to Student Services; an assessment by a college health official; and adherence to the findings and recommendations of the judicial board for educational sanctions. (Educational sanctions may include, but are not limited to, attendance at two Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, 20 hours of community service, and/or contact of coach, if a student athlete.)


Second Offense

Minimum fine of $300 to be paid to Student Services; an assessment by a college health official; and adherence to the findings and recommendations of the judicial board for educational sanctions. (Educational sanctions may include, but are not limited to, attendance at 10 Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, 50 hours of community service, and contact of coach, if athlete.)


Third Offense

Suspension from University of Olivet residence halls for a length of time (at least one week) to be determined at the sanctions phase of a judiciary hearing and a minimum $500 fine.

Community service hours must be completed within 30 days of violation. If sanctions are not completed within the designated time, students may be subject to more severe sanctions that may include, and are not limited to, more severe fines, suspension and expulsion. There are no exceptions.


Alcohol Policy Judicial and Appeals Process

Students and student organizations charged with violating the College Alcohol Policy will be subject to the judicial and appeals process.


Medical Amnesty Protocol

The Medical Amnesty Protocol (MAP) is designed to encourage students to call for help in an alcohol-related medical emergency.


Under the Medical Amnesty Protocol

• A student in need of medical help is not subject to judicial action for underage possession of alcohol or limited disorderly conduct if that student completes a required psycho educational intervention at the Abbott Road Counseling office in the lower level of the library.

• An individual who calls for emergency assistance on behalf of a person experiencing an alcohol-related emergency is not subject to judicial action for underage possession of alcohol, provision of alcohol to an underage person, or limited disorderly conduct.

• If a representative of an organization hosting an event calls for medical assistance, this act of responsibility will mitigate any judicial consequences against the organization that may arise.

• Students/organizations will become exempt from MAP under the following circumstances: repeated alcohol offenses and/or abuse of MAP, disrespectful behavior during an emergency, further offenses involving college policy during or immediately following the event or under the discretion of a hall director and vice president for Student Life.


Sanctions under Michigan State Law-Alcoholic Liquor

1.      A person less than 21 years of age shall not purchase, consume, or possess alcoholic liquor. Violation of this law could result in a penalty of 93 days in jail and/or a $500.00 fine.

2.      A person less than 21 years of age who uses fraudulent identification to purchase alcoholic liquor is guilty of a misdemeanor and will be subject to the penalties listed below.

            • 93 days in jail and/or a $500.00 fine;

            • 90-day suspension of driver’s license.

Illegal Drug Policy

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989

(Public Law 101-226) the following information is provided for all students. The unlawful possession, use or distribution of drugs and alcohol on the college campus, at college sponsored activities or in society houses is strictly prohibited. The University of Olivet is a drug-free campus and does not tolerate the use, possession, sale or exchange of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. If a student is found where drug use or paraphernalia exists, he/she will be disciplined under the drug use policy.

Specifically, students shall not:

• Possess, use, manufacture, sell, exchange or otherwise distribute any drug prohibited by local, state and/or federal law. A student found with the odor of marijuana on his/her person and/or other signs of drug use will be suspected of violating the University's illegal drug policy. A student’s vehicle, dorm room and personal clothing may be searched by Campus Safety and/or Residence Life staff to determine whether the student is in violation.

• Students in possession of scales, containers, and/or other drug selling paraphernalia will be considered dealers and subject to suspension or expulsion on top of additional fines.

• Possess or use drug paraphernalia. Drug paraphernalia is any item designed for the use of illegal drugs, or any item fashioned for the purpose of facilitating or disguising drug use. Examples are: bongs, rolling papers and pipes.


Students found responsible for violating this policy will face at least the following sanctions:

First violation – Disciplinary probation for a minimum of one year, substance abuse assessment to be completed within 30 days of the hearing date, a maximum $500 fine and/or suspension or expulsion. If suspended or expelled the student will be banned from The University of Olivet. A trespass notice will be sent to all University employees. If seen on campus, he/she will be considered trespassing.

Second violation - Suspension from The University of Olivet for at least one year. These are minimum sanctions. Additional sanctions including expulsion may be used depending on the severity of the violation and the student’s prior record. If suspended or expelled, the student will be banned from The University of Olivet.


Tobacco Policy

Smoking and tobacco use, i.e., chewing, is prohibited in all buildings, residence halls and offices. Any derivatives that result from smoking or tobacco use, i.e. cigarette butts, ashes or chew bottles, which are found within any of the areas stated above, will be recognized as evidence confirming violation of the tobacco policy. Smoking is not allowed in the Cutler Athletic Complex or at the main entrance or front entrance to any campus building.

Important Forms

This form is to be used by students to make reports to Campus Safety. They can open this document to begin typing up the incident and send it to Campus Safety. All incidents should be called into Campus Safety either by the student or their Hall Director. Please make sure to include contact information when sending your report to
Thank you!
(.pdf, 79K)
Please fill this form out if you are interested in becoming a member of the Olivet CERT Team and turn it into the Campus Safety Office located in the Burrage Library on the Main Level. Thank you!
(.docx, 116K)

Important Documents

  • Student Handbook
  • Security Report
  • Sexual Assualt Information
  • Campus Map
  • Olivet College Emergency Plan
The University of Olivet Emergency Plan covers most scenarios that our institution might be faced with. This is a tool that we encourage our students to print out and become familiar with in case one of these incidents occur. Please take the time to read this so that you are better prepared in an Emergency situation on campus, like severe weather.
updated: 3/30/2023
(.pdf, 866K)
Sexual Assault Information is taken from the University of Olivet Student Handbook 2016 - 2017 from pages 43 - 49.
(.pdf, 350K)
This is a map of  Olivet College Campus. This shows all new students where their buildings are located and where they can park.
(.png, 594K)

Year - 2023

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and is turned into the federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from out reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

(.pdf, 2678K)

Year - 2022

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and is turned into the federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from out reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and is turned into the federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from out reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

(.pdf, 2436K)

Year - 2021

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and is turned into the federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from out reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

(.pdf, 2354K)

Year - 2020

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and is turned into the federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from out reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

(.pdf, 1532K)

Year - 2019

Current Student Handbook. All Students should read the handbook as it cover all rules and regulations set forth by Olivet College to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.

(.pdf, 1836K)

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

(.pdf, 990K)

Year - Archive

Previous Student Handbook. All Students should read the handbook as it cover all rules and regulations set forth by Olivet College to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.

(.pdf, 1829K)

Previous Student Handbook. All Students should read the handbook as it cover all rules and regulations set forth by Olivet College to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.

(.pdf, 1222K)
 Previous Student Handbook. All Students should read the handbook as it cover all rules and regulations set forth by Olivet College to ensure a safe and productive learning environment.
(.pdf, 1260K)

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department, Eaton County Sheriff's Department, and Michigan State Police.

(.pdf, 961K)

This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec, Olivet Police Department and Eaton County Sheriff's Department.

(.pdf, 988K)
This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec.
(.pdf, 1406K)
This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec.
(.pdf, 1254K)
This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec.
(.pdf, 1512K)
This report is done yearly by Campus Safety and turned into the Federal database for overall statistics at all schools. This information is gathered from our reporting system Report Exec.
(.pdf, 846K)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

OC Family,

Below are some links to assist you during this trying time of Remote Learning & the latest on COVID-19

FOR STUDENTS ON CAMPUS (During the Remote Learning Session)

  • FIRST: Contact Campus Safety at 269 749-7911  (Required)
    • Campus Safety will walk you through the procedures
    • They do not have the ability to take you to a medical provider

      1) Call your health care provider.  If you do not have a primary health provider contact the nearest Emergency Room. Do not go to your health care provider, urgent care or the emergency room without calling first.

      2) Isolate yourself from people and animals

                 3) Utilize online Screening Tools Spectrum’s virtual Covid-19 screening app 

                     o   Has a free video screening site

                     o   Has a phone screening site


  • MDHHS Covid-19 hotline 1-888-535-6136
  • You may also find updated information on Oaklawn’s response, visiting hours, etc. on website at:


Transportation Options

  • ONLY for students exhibiting symptoms and have been screened by a medical professional (by phone or online)
  • Students that were directed by a medical professional to get tested
  • ALL students must wear a mask and gloves to be able to be transported


B’s Ride Service (open 24/7)
(517) 231-5663


Eaton County EATRAN 

  • MON – FRI 6:00 am – 8:00 pm
  • EATRTAN can take students to locations. They prefer for students to call for 24 hours ahead to schedule. However, with the recent cancellations, if students call the day of, they might be able to get a ride on that same day.
  • EATRAN disinfects their buses nightly according to the FTA compliance.
  • EATRAN is willing to drive students to medical appointments and facilities. However, students should call the medical facilities first so the student can get into the medical facilities.


Here is a link to the posted student resources. You’ll see that the students can also download a PDF.

For information on University of Olivet’s response to coronavirus, go to
​Michignan COVID-19 information:

Education for Individual and Social Responsibility


Weather Information

  • -Simply type in city,state or zip code to look up current weather conditions.
  • - Weather channel, also allows you to look up current weather conditions.
  • If there is a tornado warning all students/staff/faculty will be notified via our AlertNOW system. This will call all phones registered with our school for each person. Along with this an email will be sent out by Campus Safety or a Hall Director informing you what precautions and actions need to be taken.
  • Please make sure your phones are registered by checking on: Emergency Alert System

Active Shooter Video

This video explains all your actions to take when there is an active shooter. It explains that active shooters are often random. You have three options Run, Hide or Fight. Please watch this video so that you can be prepared in case you should ever be in this type of situation.

Michigan Sex Offender Registry

This site is updated frequently and allows you to look up sex offenders in your area. Example: If you type our zip code 49076 into the information section it will allow you to see all sex offenders in Olivet area.

CERT Training Site

This site allows you to look at the intial training modules. It will also allow you to see additional training that might be beneficial for current University of Olivet CERT team members to utilize.

Safe Response

This site is used for additional training for our CERT team members.
If you have not created a user idea it is very simple:
  2. Enter your information. When it asks for employer insert University of Olivet.
  3. Then once you have submitted the information you can begin a training module.
  4. Most training modules last about 30 minutes. If at any point you need to stop simply click to save and exit page.
  5. When you sign back in you can either choose to continue from where you left off or start over.
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