
Named after two long-time University of Olivet professors, Fred Gruen, Ph.D., and Edward Speare, Ph.D., the Success Center offers students assistance in five key areas: academic advising, mentoring, disability and accommodations services, retention services, and tutoring.

The Success Center is focused on the academic success of all students and has the resources to help students achieve their goals. All of the resources available in the Success Center are free. The Success Center provides a small computer lab, a printer, private testing rooms, and quiet study areas. However, the best part of the Success Center is the staff who are available to help you achieve your educational goals. 


Mott Academic Center 211
320 S. Main St.
Olivet, MI 49076


8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday

The following services are available at The Center

 Academic Advising 
 Academic Mentoring               
 Academic Accommodations
Questions? Visit the Center FAQ page. 

What is the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy?

The University of Olivet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy consists of standards and requirements concerning academic standing and financial aid eligibility, reflecting new requirements established by the U.S. Department of Education. Students must demonstrate continual progress toward the completion of their academic degree while receiving Title IV funding for their education. If satisfactory academic progress is not sustained, students will lose their educational funding from the federal government.

For more information see the SAP/FAQ page.

Joshua Y. Gillespie, II

Director of Career Readiness and Diversity Strategic Initiatives


Joey Shepherd

Director of Academic Accommodations & First-Year Transition Support